The current “Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen.” - A view from the South.
(Talk made
at the MEI, Singapore on 24 July, 2017 by Muhammad Bin-Dohry)
Professor Enseng Ho, distinguished
guests, ladies and gentlemen."Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa
barakatuhu” (May the
peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you all).
I first wish to thank the joint
hosts of this talk, the Middle East Institute (National University of
Singapore) and the Arab Network @ Singapore group for their kind invitation to
The topic of this talk I am sure touches
every caring heart in this audience and the world, more so those of us who are
connected to Yemen. The dire situation of the country is entangled into many
human created problems for Yemen. The country is essentially tribally
constructed leading to unresolved conflicts. The power hungry elites are not
able to comprehend what the country needs and will not relinquish their gains,
but tenaciously hold on at any cost. Yemenis have been in poverty for a long
time, but this is now a great deal worse and more recently sectarianism raised
its ugly head. Many thought that the Arab Spring was going to bring about a
change for the better and we saw Yemen’s uprising as indeed the other Arab
states, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and obviously Iraq after its invasion. They are
now far more unstable and with the recent rather un-expected events in the Gulf
we see the GCC dismantling itself and a scenario of uncertainty is unfolding in
front of our eyes.
Yemen has suffered from a dictatorial corrupt
leadership for 33 years and has been at war on many occasions between the North
and the South (in 1972, 1978, 1979 and an invasion of the South in 1994 to
impose the ruptured unity). In addition to 6 wars that took place in the North between the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh and the
Houthis (A Zaidi Shia sect) based in Saadah in North Yemen. However, the fabric
of the society in the North, regardless of their differences, suddenly closed
rank to control Yemen militarily and a major war broke out in March 2015 and
remains ongoing.
This fraternity earlier on had toppled the
recognised government of President Abdu Rabo Mansur Hadi, who fled out of Sanaa
and is now in exile in Saudi Arabia with most of his government apparatus. A
coalition of Arab and Muslim states led by Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E was
formed to get the legitimate government back into power in accordance with the
UN Security Council Resolution 2216 :
which states “Imposing sanctions on individuals who were undermining
the stability of Yemen, the Security Council today demanded that all parties in
the embattled country, in particular the Houthis, immediately and
unconditionally end violence and refrain from further unilateral actions that
threatened the political transition.”
As the international community attempted political solutions by trying to bring the warring parties to cease hostilities those who were and are fighting for control and power, led the country into deeper turmoil and it is the ordinary people who came to suffer extensively. Lack of food, hunger, high infant mortality, very poor sanitation, lack of basic medical facilities, exceedingly harsh water and electricity rationing, and the lack of basic human necessities of life, all are compounded with an ongoing war of wanton destruction! This is happening in both the North and South of the country, the suffering of Yemen and its people is great and difficult to comprehend.
After the failures of nearly 8-10 months, of the
National Dialogue Conference (NDC) in Sanaa, the many mediations and meetings
with the warring parties and the full involvement of the UN and others, the
Yemenis could not agree on their destiny and calls for independence by the
South to break up from the unity government were loud and clear. It now looks
like the unity between the North and South formed in 1990 is coming to an end imminently.
All these are factors of disillusion and facts that have befallen Yemen.
On 30 May 2017 at the beginning of the Holy
fasting month of Ramadhan, the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for
Yemen, Ismail Ould Sheikh Ahmed, gave a briefing to the open session of the UN
Security Council in which he said that 7 million Yemenis are at risk of famine
unless this conflict ends. A quarter of Yemenis cannot afford food on the local
market. Half of Yemen’s population lacks access to clean water, sanitation and
hygiene services, all of which increase the risk of infectious disease. The
latest outbreak of cholera is reported to have led to more than 500 deaths and
over 60,000 suspected cases in 19 governorates. The rapid spread of the disease
has been worsened by the inadequate healthcare system. At best of times, let alone in war, accurate
statistics are hard to come by, but the available figures talk about
60,000 or more suspected cases.
Yemenis are not only dying from violence but from
the lack of their essential salaries, and the lack of the means for their
Unicef which is on the ground in Yemen
working round the clock to protect children says” Since the start of
the crisis, we have helped to provide 4 million people with clean water,
vaccinated 4.6 million children against polio and treated 23,000 children
acute severe cases. The Coordinator of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Mr Jamie McGoldrick stated recently that Malnutrition and cholera are interconnected. Weakened and hungry people are more likely to contract cholera. There are 17 million people who are food insecure, including 462,000 children in the grip of acute malnutrition. Yemen faces the possibility of famine and over 100,000 people are estimated to be at risk of contracting cholera.
acute severe cases. The Coordinator of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Mr Jamie McGoldrick stated recently that Malnutrition and cholera are interconnected. Weakened and hungry people are more likely to contract cholera. There are 17 million people who are food insecure, including 462,000 children in the grip of acute malnutrition. Yemen faces the possibility of famine and over 100,000 people are estimated to be at risk of contracting cholera.
From Geneva, on
April 25, 2017—MSF stated “With medical teams working across Yemen, we at
Doctors without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (witness on a daily
basis the reality of the humanitarian crisis facing its people. In the
more than two years since the armed conflict escalated, thousands of people
have been injured, maimed, and killed. Our teams have treated more than 60,800
trauma patients, including war wounded and other violence-related
injuries. Our patients have been shelled while preparing lunch in their
kitchens, wounded by airstrikes while walking to their fields, maimed by
landmines while herding their livestock, and shot at by snipers in the
streets outside their homes.
Millions of people across Yemen are in
critical need of aid in order to survive in a country where the economy
has largely collapsed, basic services struggle to function, and social safety
nets are strained. Many of the patients we treat, and the families of the
medical staff with whom we work, have lost their livelihoods and face
illness, rising prices, and shortages of essentials, including food, fuel,
and electricity. Civil servants, including medical staff, have received no
salaries for months. Clean water, decent sanitation, and basic hygiene
items are often unavailable. Massive numbers of people have had to leave
their homes because of the violence, with many families forced to settle
in overcrowded, unsafe locations.”
Nearly 20 International None Governmental
Organisations (NGOs) trying to help in Yemen made the following statement:
“The conflict in Yemen has led to a
fast-moving and complex emergency. Over 1.25 million individuals have been
internally displaced, 4,000 have been killed, upwards of 19,000 injured and
over 80% of Yemenis are in need of humanitarian assistance. In response,
the Inter-Agency Standing Committee has categorized Yemen a Level-3
emergency, the most severe classification in the international system. Yet
as grave as the situation is today, without proactive and strong measures,
conditions will spiral deeper into widespread violent conflict and humanitarian
Additionally there are many more local NGOs
operating throughout the country.
We all have a part to do something, small as
it may seem, but it will make a difference for many.
As I speak last week I had the Doctors
Worldwide (Turkey) visiting Aden after being stranded in Cairo for lack of
flights to Yemen. They were again stranded in Aden for a flight out and I was
informed they eventually managed to get a UN plane which transported them out
of the country. DWW were scheduled to have visited Hadhramaut on this trip to
see for themselves the situation and to have assessed the setting up of a
Children Nutrition centre in Mukalla with the help of UNICEF. However this has
again been stalled due to the current situation in the country.
The Cholera
A further update on the situation after I had
left the UK in June is that the Cholera epidemic that is sweeping across the
country has by mid-July claimed 1790 lives and about 350,000 are suspected to
being infected. That means one in every ninety Yemenis is believed to have been
infected by cholera. Most of those affected are in Sanaa, the Port city of
Hodeidah and Taiz. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have
documented what they have witnessed including the over -crowded health
facilities. BBC has this week been giving a wider coverage on what Yemen faces
with the spiralling cholera epidemic.
Economic Crisis:
Triggered by the war which started over two
years ago, which has made matters worse, inflation has pushed prices of food,
medicines and most essentials very high. While most employees have NOT been
paid their salaries for months. Public services have almost halted, which have
compounded Yemen’s already desperate humanitarian crisis. Electricity, Water
supplies have greatly stalled and the sewer system in most of the cities and
towns have seized working resulting in more cholera cases.
Ladies and gentlemen,
My personal experience for the past 6 years
or so was to reach out to the Hadhrami Diaspora to try and get some kind of
“Medical Aid to Hadhramaut our ancestral homeland. The reason being with my so
many visits to Mukalla and other parts of Hadhramaut, I saw the need and the
suffering of those who could not afford medication. I visited many local NGOs,
clinics, hospitals and tried to see what they were offering and how they
operated. I was drawn by some who I genuinely felt were dedicated to the
community and operated with meagre means. Their support came mainly from the
diaspora and locally.
Our small contributions from friends in
Singapore, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and the UK made a lot of difference and
we were able to buy medicines/medical equipment locally to be distributed to the
NGOs, Clinics. The medicine we provided was for free to the poor and needy
patients throughout Hadhramaut including places like, Mukalla, Al Soum, Saah,
Tarim, Al Qatin, Al Ghail etc. We had a collection point in Jeddah for medicine
contributed by Hadhramis living in KSA and sent overland to Mukalla. This was
all done by a team of three individuals on behalf of many in the Diaspora.
We were trying to reach out to some of our
fellow Yemenis in Al Mahra, Aden and were about to continue more actively in
those areas and others had it not been for the Yemeni turmoil.
I tried to reach out to Doctors Worldwide
(DWW) in Turkey to assist with medical camps for Hadhramaut and Al Mahra, but
again this initiative could not go ahead because of the security situation in
the country!
In fairness Hadhramaut has managed over the
years to survive on income from the diaspora and more so from family members
working in the Gulf and elsewhere who contributed generously to their family
relations and friends.
My other involvement in Hadhramaut was to
establish the first ever IGCSE English system of education, the first of its
kind in Hadhramaut which was hailed as a great success by the people and the
Yemeni government. The Hadhramaut International Schools in Mukalla was
officially inaugurated on 2nd September 2014. My dear friend in this audience
Dr Saadaldeen Bin Talib
(Former Yemeni Minister of Industry & Trade) was part of that success he assisted me in my efforts to face Yemeni bureaucracy.
(Former Yemeni Minister of Industry & Trade) was part of that success he assisted me in my efforts to face Yemeni bureaucracy.
The other project we established (Professor
Abdalla Bujra Al Nahdi & myself) was the Hadhramaut Research Centre (HRC)
in association with Al Ahgaaf University (Mukalla). We launched it in December
2013 and had our first academic conference in London with the participation of
12 international academics on 7 March 2015. We have managed to publish the
papers into an academic book “Hadhramaut and its Diaspora, Yemeni Politics,
Identity and Migration.” Edited by Dr Noel Brehony and published in London by
IB Tauris. The book was officially launched in London on 25 April 2017. It is
available online from Amazon etc.
In conclusion. Ladies
and Gentlemen,
Without wanting to sound pessimistic, we have
to understand the intricacies of the Yemeni situation. One cannot talk about Yemen
without touching on the political scenario.
Both parties (The alliance of the Houthis with
Ali Abdallah Saleh’s forces on the one hand and the current government in exile
with the coalition) have been the cause of the escalation of the conflict and
bear full responsibility for this situation.
Unfortunately all the successive governments
that ruled since 1967 after the independence of the South did little to improve
the infrastructure or uplifting the living standards of the people.
Since the unity in 1990 with North Yemen, the
country was subjected to corruption and the forceful rule of a few corrupt
elites, led by the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, his relatives and tribe.
Land grabbing and nepotism were applied to the South with impunity.
The current state of affairs do not bode well
and it will be a miracle if Yemen could first get out of its quagmire. The
intervention of external forces has also compounded the situation further and
no one seems to have a solution. The fact remains Yemen is a failed state and
about to disintegrate unless a miracle happens or sane minds get together to
sort Yemen’s sorrowful state of affairs.
We however have a responsibility and ability
to make things change by participating in the efforts to make Yemen a place
where those of us in the diaspora can contribute towards a better society for
all. “We are the change that we seek.” as former President Obama said.
We can concentrate by helping in healthcare,
and education which are the main basic needs of any nation including Yemen. We
cannot just go out with a begging bowl as practised by successive governments.
We must depend on ourselves, Yemen is wealthy with its people and resources, if
applied by honest and sane experienced minds to its people without favouritism,
nepotism or corruption.
Finally I would like to thank my hosts and this
audience for hearing me out. I will be pleased to take on any questions and
interventions on the gist of my talk.