SOME HADHRAMI PERSONALITIES (PAST & PRESENT) IN TANZANIA, PART II, who contributed to their community and blended into local societies and made a difference. Unlike the First Generation, the Second Generation engaged not only in business – as their predecessors – but also in politics & religious activities. Most of this generation attained the basic secondary school education with only a few reaching the University level. However, it is in the Third Generation that we see many reaching the University level in various fields.
Second Generation (Born in Tanzania or arrived from Hadhramaut). Compiled by Abdallah Bin Eifan, Salem Balleith & Dr. Fouad Hassa’n
Above: Mr. Mabrook Ayedh Bin Eifan with the late President Nyerere
The Second Generation:
Mr. Mabrook Ayedh Bin Eifan, | Dodoma | Businessman, Community Leader of the Central Region since the late fifties. Consultant to the ruling party in the Central Region. Whenever the late President Nyerere visited Dodoma, he would be at the airport to greet him (as shown in the photo above). When then Tanganyika attained its independence, Mr. Mabrook was invited to the State House to greet President Nyerere (as seen in the photo above). Now in his eighties, the Mzee Mabrook is still active. |
The late Mr. Saleh Abdallah Badhyab | Kimamba | Self-employed. Migrated to Aden in 1964 and then to Saudi Arabia. He passed away in Tanzania at the age of 75. Nicknamed: “Tatrawanu.”) |
The late Mr. Saleh Ahmed Bin Madhi | Dodoma | Migrated to Saudi Arabia in the early sixties. Worked as a Travel Agent. He retired and passed away in Tanzania in 2012 at age 77. (Nicknamed: “cheers”) |
The late Mr. Salaama Ahmed Bin Abri | Iringa | Migrated from Tanzania to Saudi Arabia in the early sixties. Worked with Zahid Tractors, Jeddah. He retired and passed away in Tanzania. |
The Lates Messrs. Mbarak & Salmin Mohamed Bin Eifan | Kimamba | Migrated from Tanzania to Hadhramaut in 1964 and then to Saudi Arabia. Worked with Shobokshi Company and Gazzaz for perfumery in Jeddah, respectively. |
The late Mr. Salim Saleh Awadh Balhaboo | Kimamba Morogoro | Livestock dealer. |
Mr. Ghalib Omar Ahmed Aubathani | Morogoro | Self-employed. |
The late Mr. Ali S. Faraj Bin Najjar | Mdaula | Restaurateur, (Nicknamed “Ali Mbuzi”) |
The late Mr. Fuad Salim Bin Thabit | Msowero, Jeddah | Merchant. |
The late Mr. Ali Mohamed Bin Eifan | Kimamba, | Migrated to Hadhramaut and to Aden in 1965 and then to Jeddah in 1967. He then moved to London in 1977, then back to Tanzania & then to Cairo where he passed away in 2010 at the age of 63. |
The late Mr. Saleh Barawas Al-kathiriMohammad Mbarak Nahdi | D’SalaamMorogoro | Restaurateur, businessman. He passed away in South Africa.Studied in the U.K. Worked with the Saudi Airlines in Jeddah for many years then returned to Tanzania to run his family sugarcane plantations and businesses. |
Sheikh Aref Mbarak Al-Nahdi | Morogoro |
Founder, Trustee & Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, Morogoro.
1 Owns Radio Imaan fm. which is broadcasting from Morogoro as well as TV Imaan. 2.Built and run over 400 mosques 3.Taking care of more than 300 Orphans. 4. Built & Run 7 schools 5.Ma’ahad al Imaan 6. Dug over 700 water well 7.Built & run 2 Dispensaries.
Below: Sheikh Aref is seen with the Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete.
Sheikh Said Ahmed Bin Abri | Iringa |
Founder and Chairman of Dhi Nureyn Islamic Foundation, Iringa.
1 Owns Radio Qiblatein fm which is broadcasting from Iringa. Participating actively in the TV Africa. 2.Built and run mosques & orphanages. 3.Built & run schools & hospitals. 4.Housing widows & elders 5.Dug water wells, Distributing ‘iftaar’ in Ramadhan to thousands of people. 6.Translating Islamic books into Kiswahili 7. Appointed by the Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, as the official distributor of ‘Hajj Adh’hiya meat’ in Tanzania (See also photos below.)
Sheikh Said Salim Awadh Bakhressa | Zanzibar, D’Salaam | AZAM – Grain milling, corporate finance, passenger sea transportation, plastic packaging, marketing, polypropylene bags, other branches of engineering field, food industry, drinking water, etc. Sh. Said is the founding father and the Chairman of the Bakhressa Group Of Companies. A well known businessman.(Supposed to be the wealthiest Hadhrami in Tanzania). |
Mr. Abdallah Munif Bin Kleb | D’Salaam | Among the wealthiest Hadhramis in TZ. Owns petrol stations in Tanzania & Malawi. Owns Camel Oil, transport, etc. |
Sh. Saleh Salim Bathawab | D’Salaam, Aden, Nairobi, Arusha. |
Industrialist and businessman. Owns a large modern poultry farm in Arusha. Also owns factories in Yemen. (Among the wealthiest Hadhramis from TZ).
Mr. Muhammad Salim Bathawab
| D’Salaam, Aden, Jeddah | Businessman, Ex-Director of the then Al-Ahgaaf Company, Jeddah. |
The late Mr. Saleh Awadh Gafzan | Kimamba, Magole | Merchant & Floor-milling |
Mr. Ali Saleh Balhaboo | Kimamba, D’Salaam | Owns petrol stations & plastic factory as well as cashew nuts farm & livestock. |
Dr. Muhammad Abdallah Saqqaf | D’Salaam | Medical Practitioner (ex-Makerere University) |
Dr Amer Ali Bin Zoo | D’Salaam | Medical Practitioner |
Mr. Salim Abdallah Al Kithiry | Shinyanga | General Trading |
Mr. Abdallah Abeid Dhiyebi | Mwanza. |
Owns a bakery & a laundry, Muslim activist.
Abdallah T.Bin Huweil
| Iringa | Commercial Transporter |
Mr.Omar Islam Bin Eifan | Morogoro | General Merchant |
Mr Abdallah Islam Eifan | D’Salaam | Cargo Transporter |
Sayyid Mohammed Alwy Al Shatry | D’Salaam | Restaurateur & Travel Agent. |
Mr. Abdulaziz Mohammed Hass’an | D’Salaam | Goldsmith & general trading |
Mr Idha Awad Bin Kleib | D’Salaam |
Flour Mills, Petrol Stations & transport
Mr. Ahmed Bin Taher
| D’Salaam, Jeddah | Salesman in TZ. Migrated to Saudi Arabia in the early seventies. (Nicknamed “Ahmed Pepsi.”) |
The late Mr. Salim Bin Taher | Mombasa, D’Salaam | Salesman in TZ. Livestock Dealer and meat supplier. (Nicknamed “Salim Sunlight”). |
Mr. Ali Ahmed Said Balhaboo | D’Salaam | Manager of the petroleum section of Abood Company. |
The late Mr. Yahya Bin Husun Al-Kathiri | D’Salaam | Merchant, Manzese, D’Salaam. (nicknamed: “Bin Kuddeh.”) |
The late Mr.Said Karama | Dodoma | Secondary School Teacher |
Mr. Ahmed O. Bawazir | Kimamba, Morogoro |
Employee. He also assists in da’awa activites.
Mr. Ahmed O.Aubathani
| Morogoro | Ex-Restaurateur. Now merchant. |
Mr. Saleh A. Lahmadi, | D’Salaam, Jeddah | Self-Employed |
Mr. Saleh Gas’aan Aubathani, | Tanga, Jeddah, D’Salaam | Worked with the British Bank, Jeddah, then returned to Tanzania. Dealer in spare parts. |
Mr. Aref Ahmed Ergan | Morogoro | Self employed after returning from Abu Dhabi. |
Mr. Salem Balleith | Jeddah, Mwanza | Chartered Certified Accountant (UK), Ex-Chief Financial Officer SEDCO. Previously, Acting Senior Vice President of the Financial Investments Group. Also held Senior management positions with the Savola Group of Companies as Head of Internal Audit, and GM Special Projects. Ex-president of the Tanzanians in Saudi Arabia. Now semi-retired in TZ. |
Mr. Abdallah Bin Eifan | Mukalla, Aden, Romania, Jeddah |
Swahili Poet since 1963. Ex-Member of the Tanzania Poets’Association (now known asUKUTA – Usanifu wa Kiswahili na Ushairi Tanzania). Left Tanzania in 1965 and now living in Jeddah since 1971. Still writing Swahili poems for Swahili website: www.alhidaaya.comand to Radio Imaan, Morogoro.
Mr. Abdallah Tamimi
| Mwanza, Sana’a | Deputy General Manager, Yemen General Insurance Company, he migrated from Tanzania to Yemen several decades ago. |
Mr. Ahmed Tamimi | Bangkok, Jeddah. | Worked in Bangkok, Thailand for several years then returned to Jeddah where he worked for FINE tissues company. |
Mr. Ali Tamimi | Jeddah, D’Salaam | Worked in Jeddah for many years then moved to Tanzania. |
Mr. Mohamed Mabrook Bin Terba’an | D’Salaam | Self-employed. |
Mr.Thabit Omar Mbarak Bin Kleb & brothers Khalid, Said. | MorogoroD’Salaam | Transporters and employees |
Mr. Muhammad Mbarak Bin Maksoor and brothers | D’Salaam |
Joint-venture with Msajili wa Majumba (building constructions), as well as dealers in hardware & electronics.
Mr. Abdallah Bin Faris
| Jeddah | Official in the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Jeddah |
Mr. Omar Bin Faris | Jeddah | Worked with Bin Bishir (BB). Now self-employed. |
Mr. Ahmed Salim Bahashwan & Brothers | D’Salaam | Own more than 5 petrol stations. |
Mr. Idha Bin Said Aubathani | Tanga | Building Contractor & Muslim Activist (Founder of Ansaar el-Sunna organization). |
Sheikh Salim A. Barahiyaan | Tanga | Muslim activist. LLB Shariah, (Pakistan) LLM Shariah & Law (Saudi Arabia). |
Sayyid Abdulqader Al-Ahdal | D’Salaam |
Muslim activist. Chairman of Al-Hikmah Center for memorizing the holy Qura’an.
Mr. Mohammed Saleh Bin Kleb
| D’Salaam | Commercial Transporter. (nicknamed Abu Siggir). |
Mr. Aidh Salmin Bin Nhed | D’Salaam | Commercial Transporter. |
Salim Saleh Bin Ishaq | Mikumi, Jeddah | Migrated to Saudi Arabia where he became its citizen. Self-employed. |
Mr.Mohammed Abdallah Bin Eshag | D’Salaam | Passengers’ transporters |
Mr. Saleh Abdallah Al-Jabri | Dodoma, Abu Dhabi | Migrated to Abu Dhabi many years ago where he became its citizen. Now retired. |
MR. Muhammad Bin Mkhashin | Jeddah |
Working with Al-Quraishi company for many years.
Mr. Said Baawazir
| D’Salaam | Representing W.A.M.Y. (World Assembly of Muslim Youth) in Tanzania. Translating Arabic Islamic books into Kiswahili. Owns a Bookshop selling only Islamic books. Also distributor of chiks for Bathawab Poultry of Arusha. |
Mr. Muhammad Baawazir | U.K. | Migrated from TZ. To UK. where he works in a Post Office. He also runs a Madrasa where he teaches Islamic studies. Webmaster of the Swahili Islamic |
Lady T. Alhamed
| D’Salaam, Canada, AbuDhabi | She is among the first people (who migrated to Canada) to open Islamic Madrassa there teaching Islamic studies. She is now busy translating the holy Qur’an into Kiswahili. She is the founder and owner of the Swahili Islamic . |
Mr. Abdurrahman Ibrahim Bubseith
| Iringa | Employee and Muslim activist. |
Mr. Abdurrahman Bin Omar Bubseith | Jeddah |
Sales Manager – Mitsubishi vehicles
Mr. Adel Abdallah Al Dhiebi
| D’Salaam | Roads Contractor |
Mr.Badr Jaafar Al Kithiri | D’Salaam | Migrated from Somalia to Tanzania. Roads Contractor and Agent for Yemenia Airways. |
Mr. Mohamed Islam Saedi & brothers.
| Kilosa, Morogoro. | Passengers transporters, wholesalers, own petrol stations, farmers. |
Mr Ghanim Mbarak Bin Nhed
| Jeddah | Works with Bin Laden Co. |
Mr.Faisal Khamis Lardhi & brothers | D’Salaam |
General trading.
Mr. Mohsin Saleh Bin Nhed
| Morogoro | Owns River View hotel, farmer and general trading. |
Mr. Mohamed Saleh Awadh Balhaboo
| Morogoro | Owns petrol stations, businessman. |
The Late Mr. Abdallah Bin Islam Bin Badar Muhammad
| Jeddah | Worked with AL-MISBAHI in the catering section at King Abdul Aziz International Airport, Jeddah. He passed away in Ethiopia of a heart attack. (Well known by the name of “Abdallah Nahdi.” |
Below: Hon. Mr. AbdulAziz Abood MP. (dressed in green)
Hon.AbdulAziz Abood | Morogoro | Elected Member of Parliament, Member of the National Executive Council (NEC) In thephoto above, he is seen (dressed in green) surrounded by his supporters. |
Hon. Hashim Saqqaf | Dodoma | Elected Member of Parliament |
Hon. Ahmed Shibibi | Gairo | Elected Member of Parliament |
Hon.Abdulsalaam Sleiman Bin Amer | Mikumi | Elected Member of Parliament. Farmer. |
Khalid Suleiman Bin Amer & brothers: | Morogoro, D’Salaam | Transporters, merchants, own Gas factory. |
Mr. Fauzi M. Abood | Morogoro | Executive Chairman of the holding company: Mohamed Abood & Sons Ltd. Owners of the soap, oil & canvas factories. Passenger and cargo transporters. TV & Radio, Merchants: Retailers and wholesalers, Dairy farming.(Among the wealthy Hadhramis in TZ) |
Mr. Talal M. Abood | Morogoro | Bushman Hunting Safaris Limited Managing Director and CEO. He is a licensed Professional Hunter and a Life Member of Safari Club International. Owns and operates his own hunting concessions located in prime hunting areas in Tanzania. |
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